Sycamore, Burlington, Korzo

We had a great show with the Luce Trio at Sycamore on Saturday. The music is getting freer every time, and paradoxically more focused. As a bonus we were featured as one of the top 5 music picks of the week before the show in Timeout NY:

Luce Trio Featured

There is also more press and music now available on the Luce Trio tab above.

I am excited to announce that we are going to perform at the Burlington Discover Jazz Festival 2013 on June 8th, and will be performing around the area that week.  We will also be back at Sycamore on April 27th, and at the Village Zendo on June 14th. See the shows page for more details.

On another note, it was amazing to see so many musicians last night at Korzo, a bar off the beaten path in the South Slope, for Matt Pavolka and Pete Rende’s groups. There must have been 200 people there on a tuesday night. The music was amazing, and it was inspiring to see so many people, and so many great musicians, in one place for a show. Thanks to James Carney for keeping the series going.